More videos are available on Vimeo:

subpolar gyre

Relative vorticity on isopycnal surface in a 200 m resolution simulation of the Gulf Stream.

Bahamas relative vorticity

Relative vorticity on isopycnal from a 750 m resolution simulation in the Sargasso Sea.

Bahamas PV

Potential vorticity on isopycnal surfaces from a 50 m resolution NH simulation in the Bahamas.

barotropic vorticity

1 year of barotropic vorticity from a 750 m resolution ROMS simulation of the Gulf Stream along the Seaboard.

Bahamas relative vorticity

Relative vorticity at 50 m depth from a 150 m resolution simulation in the Bahamas. Animation

subpolar gyre

Relative vorticity at the surface in a 2 km resolution simulation.

subpolar gyre

Relative vorticity at 500 m depth in a 2 km resolution simulation.

subpolar gyre

Relative vorticity at 1000 m depth in a 2 km resolution simulation.

Sea Surface Height

Sea Surface Temperature in a 6 km resolution coupled simulation (original simulation from L. Renault).

Sea Surface Height

Sea Surface Height in a 6 km resolution simulation.

Sea Surface Height

Laplacian of Sea Surface Height in a 6 km resolution simulation.

Lucky Strike relative vorticity

Relative vorticity at 1800 m depth from a 750 m resolution simulation around the mid-Atlantic Ridge (original simulation from C. Vic).

Dispersion of particles released at the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent

Dispersion of particles released at the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent (original simulation from C. Vic).

Lucky Strike relative vorticity

Relative vorticity at 1800 m depth from a 750 m resolution simulation around the mid-Atlantic Ridge with tides (original simulation from C. Vic).

Dispersion of particles released at the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent

Relative vorticity at 1700 m and particles released at the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent.

Gulf Stream barotropic vorticity

Barotropic vorticity from a 1.5 km resolution ROMS simulation of the Gulf Stream.

Gulf Stream surface relative vorticity

Surface relative vorticity from a 1.5 km resolution ROMS simulation of the Gulf Stream.

Gulf Stream SST

SST in a dx=500m ROMS nest over the Gulf Stream.

Gulf Stream SST

Particles release in a dx=500m ROMS nest over the Gulf Stream.

Gulf Stream surface relative vorticity

Surface relative vorticity in a dx=500m ROMS nest over the Gulf Stream.